Biweekly Plex Dispatch
Earth Remembering; X Marks the Past; Announcing MarkPub 0.4.3; Let in the Light; Regenerative or Greenwashed; State of the World 2025; Pix from Italy; Fall 1986-As My Dad Lay Dying
Collective Sense Commons Status
Collective Sense Commons Services. Also see: Collective Sense Commons home page for more about CSC.; CSC Agora Mattermost Upgrade for more about this weekend's Mattermost upgrade.; CSC Mattermost
Use of proceeds generated by your payments for issues will be determined by Collective Sense Commons stewardship, but the guiding principle will be to use them either for hard costs for producing and publishing BPD (specific software needed, server and hosting costs, image licensing), or for re-investing in the Plex and its people.